binged bingeing binger bingers binges Binghamton Bingham flow: Bingham model Bingham plastic . with bulimia may intentionally lower their insulin dosage during binging .
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excessive indulgence in anything: a shopping binge
bingeing [binj] . verb (used without object) binged, bing�ing or binge�ing. . in.
binged, bingeing, binges, binging
to drink heavily. : She binges about once a month and is .
binged bingeing binger bingers binges binging bingo bingos binit binits binnacle binnacles binned binning binocle binocles binocs binocular binocularities binocularity
binge | binges [plural] | binged [past tense] | binging [present participle] | bingeing [present participle] | jag [synonym, sense-specific] A short period of excessive consumption .
vb binges, bingeing, binging binged (intr) to indulge in a binge (esp of eating or drinking) [probably Lincolnshire dialect binge to soak] Thesaurus Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms
you binge; he/she binges; we binge; you binge; they binge . I will have binged; you will have binged; he/she will have . I have been binging; you have been binging; he/she has been .
binged bingeing binges binghamite binging bingley
Thinkpinkkisses. well at least you binged on healthy foods. . Good luck everyone! Keep on resisting those evil binges! . I alternate between repeated bingeing and starving myself .
Berichte und Reportagen aus Wien. Der freie Journalist Alexander Gl�ck bietet seine Mitarbeit an - f�r Feuilletons, Fachzeitschriften und SpecialInterest-Magazine.
Binging is hard to deal with mentally and physically. . These things really do lead to bingeing when your blood sugar . carbs was a very important step for me in getting my binges .
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�bersetzung f�r bingeing im Englisch-Deutsch-W�rterbuch . to binge | binged | binged binging / bingeing | binges
�bersetzung f�r binging im Englisch-Deutsch-W�rterbuch . to binge | binged | binged binging / bingeing | binges
View of /tags/sl_branch_bp/user/games/bsdgames/temp-dictionary. Parent Directory | Revision Log
binged; bingeing; binger; bingers; binges; binghi; binghis; bingies; binging; bingle; bingled; bingles; bingling; bingo; bingos; bings; bingy; binged, bingeing, binges, binging binit; binits; bink; binks; binman; binmen
binge eat; binge eater; binged; bingeing; binges; binging; batter; binge eating disorder; binge-and-purge; binge-purge; bulimia nervosa; precovery; More.
Origin of BINGE. English dialect binge (to drink heavily)
I still binged a bit, but was determined
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